Domain Decomposition Methods Aiding Analysis and Design of Large Civil Engineering Structures
  • Description
  • The proposed study focuses in delivering substantiated numerical simulations of a multi-scale nature and uses them to facilitate the analysis (and design) processes of large structures. Succinctly, this could be accomplished by means of super-element and sub-structuring techniques along with the appropriate analytical restraint equations simulating complex boundary conditions, hence eliminating the need to model the entire structure.
    It is expected that an approach as such, will contribute to accuracy, reliability, and integrity while saving design time, as well as bridge the gap between multifaceted numerical modelling and real behaviour in structural engineering. The relevant methodologies are outlined elsewhere.

  • Keywords
  • substructuring superelements multi-scale modelling constrained equations benchmarking validation-verification.
  • Subject Categories
  • Structural Engineering
  • Additional Details
  • Collaboration type: Proposal Submission groups
  • Venue: 1. Conference dedicated to DDM in Civil/Structural Engineering, 2. Articles published in Quality Journals and Magazines room_preferences
  • Callarticle
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