Micro-mechanics of FRP Structures. Behaviour around Openings Holes Corners Edges Overlaps Coverings
  • Description
  • FRPs and their composites have increasingly become building materials of choice, especially in weight sensitive structures. However, their hybrid nature has far more significant bearing on their dynamic properties (modal mass, natural frequency, damping) as compared to other structural materials.
    Due to limited knowledge on their dynamic properties and behaviour there has been some hesitation within the construction industry to use FRPs in vibration prone structures, for example, slender, long span bridges.
    One particular area significantly underrepresented, is that of micro/nano scale engineering. Essentially, the performance of this layered material in awkward, difficult to reach places, such as openings, holes (blind), corners and edges and of course, adhered interfaces has not been fully studied and understood.
    No sufficient research has been channelled out towards the areas mentioned earlier. This study seeks to add to knowledge and fill the gap tinted above.

  • Keywords
  • Polymers
  • micro-nano engineering
  • residual damage
  • surface engineering
  • Subject Categories
  • Nanotechnology
  • Additional Details
  • Collaboration type: Proposal Submission groups
  • Venue: At least one International Conference, plus several good quality articles published in top Journals and Magazines room_preferences
  • Callarticle
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