European Economic Governance - Opportunity or Threat for the Future of Europe? - Sociotax2024
  • Description
  • This particular Summer School combines European Economic Governance with the Social State. More specifically, it will focus on the mechanisms by which the European Economic Governance works, analyzing the roles, rules, procedures and mechanisms from the establishment of the EU to its current evolution but from the point of view of defending its economic interests with respect of the human rights of the European citizen.

location_on Physical location is at online course

  • Keywords
  • corruption crises EU transparency taxation fiscal policy European Institutions customs union European economic governanc
  • Subject Categories
  • Social Sciences
  • Additional Details
  • Languages
  • English language
  • Greek, Modern language
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Contact Information

perm_contact_calendarcontact person, 0030 22510.36521, 0030 6971890569