Migration and its Discontents
  • Description
  • Migration has always been an integral part of the human experience. Throughout history the identity of peoples, societies or even entire continents has been shaped by the voluntary or involuntary movements of human beings. In our times this phenomenon continues unabated, with ebbs and flows depending on natural or man-made causes. Globalization, the widening of the gap between rich and poor, climate change, unresolved conflicts and more recently the Arab Spring have intensified migration flows from the developing to the developed world.
    Greece has taken the brand of the latest surge, originating in the Syrian conflict and is trying to cope with it while, at the same time, maintaining its social cohesion and humanitarian disposition.

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  • Subject Categories
  • History and archaeology
  • Additional Details
  • This Summer School has registration feescredit_score
  • Languages
  • English language
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perm_contact_calendarTheodosios Karvounarakis
