Theater and Society
  • Description
  • Theater and Society Course constitutes:
    A theoretical attempt to actualize the ontology of the ancient Greek theatrical production (both tragedy and comedy) in the contemporary world. Courses in dramatic literature and playwriting as well as theater history, theory and criticism will enable the participant to think about some of the most crucial existential and social issues of the modern world through the prism of the classics.
    An opportunity for the participant to learn what “doing theater” is all about: onstage, backstage, front-of-house. Work hands-on with practicing professionals in exceptional production and performance facilities. The program deals with the creative processes and technical skills involved in performance, directing and production, lighting, costume and set design.
    Integrated with these are specialized lectures from experienced professors, educational visits as well as attendances at prestigious performances of the Epidaurus Festival.

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  • Subject Categories
  • Performing arts studies (Musicology, Theater science, Dramaturgy)
  • Additional Details
  • This Summer School has registration feescredit_score
  • Languages
  • English language
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perm_contact_calendarTheodoros Papaioannou