From Mycenae to Mystras
  • Description
  • Peloponnese – the island of Pelops is the ideal place for someone who loves History. This land, which hosted the labors of Hercules, and echoes the Greek Revolution, also constitutes a colorful tableau created by the civilizations which left their footprints on the peninsula. Within the framework of this multicultural fusion, Ancient Greek Mythology meets the aesthetics of the Venetians, the Olympic spirit coexists with the holy spirit of Byzantium and the Spartans meet the Slavs. Of course, the principal cultural aspect is the Ancient Greek. Hence, shifting from the beginning of its ancient past to the contemporary era, the current program aims to give the participants an holistic view of the Peloponnesian History, make them feel the magic vibe of its legendary as well as multicultural environment.

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  • Subject Categories
  • History and archaeology
  • Additional Details
  • This Summer School has registration feescredit_score
  • Languages
  • English language
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perm_contact_calendarTheodoros Papaioannou