Greece – China – close despite the distance
  • Description
  • The Greek and the Chinese civilization constitute undoubtedly two of the richest and most influential cultural concepts of all times. However, although we approve the remarkable importance of these two civilizations, we tend to perceive them as two strangers to one another. But is this claim really valuable?
    The principal aim of this course is to show that we – Greeks and Chinese – are close despite the distance that separates us. By referring to some of the most characteristic works of the Greek and the Chinese thought – from the Art of War of Sun Tzu and the History of the Peloponnesian War of Thucydides – to the Logos of Heraclitus and Lao-Tzu’s Tao, as well as by analyzing the intertemporal relations between the Byzantine and the Chinese empire, as they were manifested in different fields such as the commerce and the arts, experienced professors of History, Philosophy, Arts and Anthropology will shed light on the interaction and the closeness, direct or indirect, of the two

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  • Subject Categories
  • History and archaeology
  • Ancient history
  • Additional Details
  • Languages
  • English language
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perm_contact_calendarTheodoros Papaioannou