Ancient Cities, Empires and the Modern World
  • Description
  • How do philosophical ideas produce historical realities? In which way does political thought impact geopolitics?

    Study in Greece organizes the “Ancient Cities, Empires and the Modern World” summer program in Athens (12 – 26 July 2022). This 2-week intensive course offers students the opportunity to explore Greek and Mediterranean history by familiarizing with the basic aspects of ancient Greek and Roman political thought, combining their historical development with modern perspectives and issues. The course focuses on the emergence and historical evolution of democracy. It will also shed light on the concept of political representation. In addition, it will focus on non-western political schools of thought and, finally, will trace the emergence of empires with multiethnic and cosmopolitan character (such as the Byzantine and Western Roman Empire) prefiguring the modern transnational states.
    The program is approved by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

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  • Subject Categories
  • Ancient history
  • Byzantine archaeology
  • Philosophy, ethics and religion
  • Comparative politics
  • Additional Details
  • This Summer School has registration feescredit_score
  • Languages
  • English language
  • Greek, Modern language
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Contact Information

perm_contact_calendarDr. Michail Theodosiadis