International Summer Program: Mythos as MythUs
  • Description
  • This 10-day program offers students the opportunity to dive into myth and popular narrative, from antiquity to the present, as these are the long-shared humanity’s voice, with which people respond to harsh realities and times of crisis, and deal with the distress that impacts entire communities. In times of transition and upheaval, myth and narrative serve to counter the inimical stereotyping, bigoted notions, and segregation that these challenging circumstances inevitably bring. In its role of healing, narrative has been not just preserved but also transformed, in all its oral, written, digital, and, of late, even contemporary literary forms, not just in terms of its atavistic world of archaic symbolism but in fact most markedly through being called on in confronting, via poetic means, problems, ideas, and emotions that are communal as well as individual – as a result of which transformative therapeutic dimension, narrative continues to update, on an ongoing basis, in dynamic ways.

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  • Keywords
  • Archaeology
  • History
  • Subject Categories
  • History and archaeology
  • Ancient history
  • Additional Details
  • This Summer School has registration feescredit_score
  • Student fee: 700.00 € sell
  • General fee: 2,000.00 € sell
  • Languages
  • English language
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Contact Information

perm_contact_calendarEvangelos Valasiadis