Rhythm, Speach, Movement: Applied Arts Interventions in Special Education-ArtsIntoSpecEdu2023
  • Description
  • As it is widely accepted that the integration of the Performing Arts has an emblematic positive effect on people with special educational needs, a wide variety of its forms can contribute to the remarkable cognitive, behavioral and cultural development of people with disabilities. The Summer School (SUM) ArtsIntoSpecEdu2023 aims to offer a high-level curriculum with knowledge and resources at a theoretical and practical level of pivotal importance for participants to understand, deepen, reflect and practice design and the development of corresponding practices in Special Education with an emphasis on the psychomotor activation of the functional abilities of people with disabilities, with proposed interventions through Performing Arts and Sports.

location_on Physical location is at Conservatory ATHENAEUM, ATHENS

  • Keywords
  • Music Dance Theatre Special Interventions Performing Arts Special Arts Education Therapeutic Gymnastics Special Education
  • Subject Categories
  • Humanities & Arts
  • Educational Sciences
  • Additional Details
  • Languages
  • English language
  • Greek, Modern language
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Contact Information

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ArtsIntoSpecEdu2023@aegean.gr, m.argyriou@aegean.gr